Dragon Age Wiki
Dragon Age Wiki

Cpt. Miller Cpt. Miller 27 September 2011

Orlesian Murder Mystery

The clinking of glasses, the sound of laughter. The nobles below were truly having a fun time. Was it not always fun in Orlais? when could one not enjoy themselves when beautiful masks were to be had at the plenty and gold flowed like an endless stream. Barrett had been to other nations, of course, but the significant grandeur of Orlais always attracted him. In Ferelden he slept in a ditch, In Kirkwall he slept in an Inn, in Tevinter he slept on the gallows, but when his line of work deigned him worthy to kill in Orlais, he slept in style. He did not dislike his line of work, no on the contrary, the adrenaline rush that met him after a kill was something to be desired. And today he looked down on a most joyous feast. The masks were the mos…

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Cpt. Miller Cpt. Miller 24 January 2011

Orsino and new companions

1st thing, is it just me, or does Aerin, the guy from Wynnes sidequest, look like he could be the younger version of Orsino, just change his name and move to the free marches,also, who else would you want to be companions in DA2, I hope that Morrigan comes back, if not for a companion, for anything

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