Dragon Age Wiki
Dragon Age Wiki

Description: Here is a script to add Mhairi to your party at any time. It does not add her to the party picker the way zz_addparty or zz_gxa_addparty normally do with other characters however. Nevertheless the partypicker may be used to remove her should you desire to do so.

Instructions: Open the toolset and save it as vim_addmhairi.nss (a script file). The toolset will automatically compile it into vim_addmhairi.ncs when you save it. Place vim_addmhairi.ncs in My Documents>BioWare>Dragon Age>packages>core>override>toolsetexport and it will become available from within the console.

Standard Disclaimer: While I don't believe this script will harm your game, the possibility does exist that I may be mistaken.

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vim_addmhairi.nss
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Adds Mhairi to the Party


        runscript vim_addmhairi

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Written by Vim, August 9, 2010.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "utility_h"

void main()
    // Get Mhairi's object if it exists.
    object oMember = GetObjectByTag("int100cr_female_warden");    

    // Get Mhairi's resource file.  
    resource rMember = R"int100cr_female_warden.utc";               
    //Make an object for her if it doesn't currently exist.
        oMember = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, rMember, GetLocation(OBJECT_SELF));

    // Set it active.
    WR_SetObjectActive(oMember, TRUE); // Set Active

    // Hire her if she hasn't already been.
    if(GetFollowerState(oMember) != FOLLOWER_STATE_ACTIVE)
        WR_SetFollowerState(oMember, FOLLOWER_STATE_ACTIVE);
