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While heading towards the Chantry in Lothering you stumble on to an argument between a Chantry sister and an unscrupulous Merchant.


Near Lothering's chantry - particularly (automatically) if approaching a barrel and chest on the ground next to a covered wagon - the party will encounter a group consisting of a Sister, a merchant, and two farmers. The priestess and merchant are arguing over the prices being charged for his wares. In the ensuing dialogue, you have three options: removing yourself from the argument, siding with the merchant, or siding with the Sister.

Remove yourself from the argument (the merchant will leave Lothering):

Ico Appr Heart Leliana approves (+1)
Ico DisAppr Heart Sten disapproves (-3)

Side with the merchant (he will give you 1Gold and be open for business):

Ico DisAppr Heart Alistair disapproves (-3), Disapproves (-6) if "Don't worry about it. I hate the self-righteous" is also chosen
Ico DisAppr Heart Leliana disapproves (-15), Disapproves (-10) if "You don't think you're being unscrupulous?" was chosen
Ico Appr Heart Morrigan approves (+2), Approves (+4) if "Don't worry about it. I hate the self-righteous" is also chosen

Kill the merchant (option is available after driving off the Sister):

Ico DisAppr Heart Alistair disapproves (-3)
Ico DisAppr Heart Leliana disapproves (-30), Disapproves (-25) including approval loss from siding with the merchant (see above)
Ico Appr Heart Morrigan approves (+2)
Ico Appr Heart Sten approves (+4)

Siding with the Sister, The Warden may attempt to persuade or intimidate the merchant into lowering his prices. If either is successful, the merchant will remain and do business):

Ico Appr Heart Leliana approves (+2)
Ico DisAppr Heart Morrigan disapproves (-3)


  • 150 XP
  • 1Gold for siding with the merchant
  • Access to the merchant's inventory if he is not killed and either
  • the Warden convinces him to lower his prices
  • the Sister is driven away by the Warden


  • This quest is not documented in your journal.
  • Despite assurances of a discount, the prices the merchant applies to you are the same regardless of who you choose to support.