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The Bard wants a Quiet Word is a basic action card in Dragon Age: The Last Court. Not all associated actions are available every draw.


The Wayward Bard lingers at the back of the court, gossiping with your courtiers and making snide jokes about plaintiff and defendant alike. Once the day's business is done, though, he appears at your side. "A moment of your time, your Grace." He tugs conspiratorially at his moustache.

Which matter deserves your attention?

Available actions[]


"I just wanted to say..."
"...what a remarkable group of people your courtiers are. Genuinely fascinating! Why, I spoke yesterday to a scholar who is an expert in ducks! Imagine! And the young lord Gouillard can tell you the tailor of every gown the Empress has worn for the last two years."

Result: There's probably a point, somewhere
And so many of them! Aren't we lucky? I'm sure absolutely none of them are spies. Or revolutionaries. Or maleficars. Anyway, it's certainly grown much more interesting around here. Many of the charming creatures haven't even heard my best stories yet. It's like having my very own buffet.
-2 Prosperity
Fawners and Flatterers


"Heard of a mercenary company called the Black Dogs?"
"Well, you're about to. They're heading to Serault."

Result: Troublesome guests
"I've had dealings with their captain before. Ferelden by birth, but no nation would claim him now. Pleasant enough, for a treacherous freebooter who'd gut you if he thought you'd swallowed a purse. He'll have sniffed out our brewing civil war."
"If you like, I could arrange an introduction. Best not to ignore them, though. There's a lot of them, they're trained soldiers, and they're used to taking whatever they bloody well want."
+2 Peril
The Free Company


"I wondered if- LOOK OUT!"
It happens in an instant. A servant, face painted with the stag of Serault, lunges for you with a knife. There is a splash of blood. Your guards surge forward.

Result: The knife was meant for you
Your bard took the blade in his shoulder. He leans on you heavily. "I'll live. It's not deep." His face is grey. Your physician hurries forward, but the Bard flaps him away. "Back, I say. Back! I look rakish with scars."
Your would-be killer struggles, but your guards have him fast.
+2 Rumors of Revolution
An Assault on your Person


No sooner has he started speaking than a watchman bursts in
"Your Grace!" the watchman cries. "There are fires at the docks!"

Result: Another time
The Bard steps back. "My business can wait. It's less important than being on fire." Your horse awaits you in the courtyard.
+2 Peril
