Dragon Age Wiki
Dragon Age Wiki

Ice Dragon Bone is a crafting material in Dragon Age: Inquisition - Jaws of Hakkon.



  • Although the crafting material is labeled with a "high" armor and damage rating, the item still provides the same amount of armor and damage as tier 4 Dragon Bone, which have a "very high" armor and damage rating.

Looting exploit[]

xbox360Xbox360xboxoneXboxOneps3PS3ps4PS4On consoles, Ice Dragon Bone can be farmed by using a variation of the chest exploit.

  1. Head to the dragon skull in Frostback Basin.
  2. Click down to loot only the Ice Dragon Bone. Do not select the loot all option.
  3. Press the Loot and Cancel button (X + O for PS / A + B for Xbox / F + Esc for PC) at the same time. The Ice Dragon Bone will then be looted; however, there is no indication that this has actually been done. Instead open up the inventory to confirm that the bones were successfully looted.
  4. Do not loot again, if successful the option to loot will still be available. Do not save the game, as loading the save will empty the container permanently.
  5. Use the World Map to travel to another location then return and repeat.

