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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionWhat fortune did you give to Alistair?
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What fortune did give to Alistair? A drunk, a grey warden, an unahardened sole monarch, a hardened sole monarch, an unahardened husband of Anora, a ahardened husband of Anora, exectued him or sacrifaced him to slay Urthemiel? No need for giving your reasons for doing, what you did, that forum topic is just for statistics.

I made Alistair a hardened husband of Anora.FirstDrellSpectre (talk) 17:57, April 4, 2014 (UTC)

He remained a Grey Warden in my playthrough. Chantry symbol King Cousland | Talk   18:05, April 4, 2014 (UTC)

always made him king but might make him warden depending on whats going on in InquisitionStar Metal Knight (talk) 19:00, April 4, 2014 (UTC)

I don't understand the question. Do you mean the favourite choice? Coz I have like 15 finished playthroughs and in each I made different choices. Depending on the character I played I made the decision accordingly. My human noble made him hardened king and kept Loghain, my blood mage elven warden kept him as a romanced warden, my other human noble married Anora and had Alistair killed, my castless let him become a drunk. And others, but only to see how it'd go. Henio0 (talk) 19:10, April 4, 2014 (UTC)

No. My question is "what did you do to Alistair?".FirstDrellSpectre (talk) 20:20, April 4, 2014 (UTC)
Therefore it is an invalid question because one can make any of these choices across multiple playthroughs. The questions should be which one you favour, not which one you made. Henio0 (talk) 20:25, April 4, 2014 (UTC)
Interpretate this as you wish.FirstDrellSpectre (talk) 20:31, April 4, 2014 (UTC)

Personally in my last 2 play throughs, he's been a drunk. I preferred Loghain over him. Additionally, my Keep route may be the same or the one where he marries Anora, but most of the time I tended to marry her. So probably Warden. ---Lazare326 (talk)>

You forgot the "off with his head" option, as well as the sacrifice option. In my first playthrough with Izen Cousland, Alistair left and became a drunk. Believe it! (talk) 20:49, April 4, 2014 (UTC)

Updated.FirstDrellSpectre (talk) 20:50, April 4, 2014 (UTC)

I never killed Alistair, nor had him die in any situation. I liked the character, and felt as though personally, in my playthroughs that death for him would be unnecessary. ---Lazare326 (talk)>
