Dragon Age Wiki
Dragon Age Wiki

Hi, i have several very clear and detailed screanshots i want to upload, but everytime i do so they are just blank white screans. They are in jpeg. format. What should i do to make them work?Rencol 12:57, April 17, 2010 (UTC)

Forums: Index > Wiki DiscussionUploading additional screanshots
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That happened to me when I was trying to upload a picture while in Source Mode, had to switch the Edit Page to Wysiwyg Mode in order for it to work.
Fycan [fahy-kan] @ 13:22, April 17, 2010 (UTC)

I dont want to look like some idiot, but how will i do it? :P I know nothing about editing pages

If you have already managed to upload "Blank White Screen" to the Page then you are already doing the right thing, you just need to be on Wysiwyg Mode and not Source Mode. Some of the Pages are not switchable because of the "Complex Codes" - which I'd Love to know what these actually are, but you could do it on another Page and just copy-paste the code to the Page you want to add the pic.
I bullshat my way through these things too so it'd be nice to get some answers from Admins. Also I'd Really love to know how to Change/Redirect Page Name.
Fycan [fahy-kan] @ 15:27, April 17, 2010 (UTC)

Nah, still not working, not even after switching modes. I can either upload it eleswhere and post link to it and wait for somebody else to add it to page gallery, or send it to somebody on mail. :/Rencol 20:26, April 17, 2010 (UTC)

I always have the rich text editor disabled and have only once had an image fail to upload so I don't think that's the main cause of the problem. You're not the only ones who had this problem, so maybe it would be worth contacting wiki staff (by going here) to see if they can help. In the meantime you're welcome to e-mail me a copy Rencol and I can see if it will work. Friendship smallLoleil Talk 05:25, April 19, 2010 (UTC)

yea... I am now having the exact same problem as you...
Fycan [fahy-kan] @ 11:37, April 20, 2010 (UTC)

If you are attempting to upload straight screenshots directly from game, note that Dragon Age adds incorrect header information to the JPGs it produces. A lot of web scripts choke on this data (DA nexus has the same issue), so it's possible some sort of post-processing script in wikia is dying on that. Open them in a photo editor (like the GIMP, which will warn you about the bad data but will load it anyway) and re-save the images to get rid of those headers, and then see if it works from there. Nezroy 05:31, May 28, 2010 (UTC)
