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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionThe Arcane Warrior Phylactery
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I'm replaying Origins now that I finally have a PC capable of doing it. (Yay) I just finished the Dalish recruitment mission and I unlocked the Arcane Warrior as normal. However, there is an option to "keep the vial as it could be useful later". Does this do anything? Or does it just keep the quest open for you to go back and get the Arcane Warrior specialization? Friendlysociopath (talk) 02:42, October 20, 2014 (UTC)

Nah. It has no use. The spirit offers to teach you Arcane Warrior before you place the gem on the alter. You can either accept or reject the lesson. If you reject it and hold on to the gem, you don't get to learn it later. The spirit basically considers you to be a jerk and stops talking to you. So I recommend learning the specialization first, and then being a jerk by not freeing the spirit. :) I doubt it will have any future role in any later game, but it would be cool if you could take it to the Circle, or even persuade the spirit to try and escape with the Circle's help. Believe it! (talk) 04:58, October 20, 2014 (UTC)
