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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionQunari Inquistor sucks
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So I finally started playing the game, even though I've had a qunari character for months. The hiatus was because I felt like the game was just so horrible and completely undeserving of my time...Thankfully I gave it another chance and played some more, and fell back in love with the DA universe. The game is certainly lacking, nothing to Origins and hardly better than DA2, but sometimes it really does shine. Until you realize what a lazy fucking mess the game is.

I really do enjoy the game, but playing as a qunari is so bland it's stupid. There is nothing special about them. You don't get anything anybody else does and you can't wear helms or unique armor. Yeah, there's Vitaar and the silvertie stuff to wear better looking armor...but it looks like crap on your character. If you play a male warrior you might as well just let Iron Bull fuck you because he's so much cooler than you it's stupid. I'm a qunari, but he looks so much bigger and stronger (despite being a horrendous NPC in combat and ALWAYS the first to die and ALWAYS very quickly). His horns are bigger and cooler, and he actually looks like a qunari physique wise. His voice sucks though so I guess I have that on him.

Thw whole pont that we all wanted to play as qunari was to be giant armor cad warriors with arishok-like horns. DA2 did better with the qunari, that's for sure. Why can't I have that kind of helmet or armor? Why can't hornless qunari wear any helmet?

Bottom kine is that male qunari suck. In every single way. Female are slightly better and actually look like what we thought and expected them too based off non-game sources. You're a fucking giant and you just end up being a huge bitch. There's no special options. I bet Elves and Dwarves got shafted story-wise too. I saw that elves got fucked in the armor department as well.

Solid game, enjoy the characters, but every time I see my guy in a cut scene the immersion is ruined.

Discuss how terrible qunari are and how much of a let down this game is overall. -- (talk) 02:45, July 7, 2015 (UTC)

I love The Iron Bull!!! So to honor this love of mine, I must jump on this bandwagon of laying the boots to him, while he's down.

Who's brilliant idea was it to use a human mechanical frame for all characters??? He's a hyper masculine giant beefy Qunari reaver; but all that BEEF on a human skeleton, just makes all his action in cutscenes look uber gay. He shouldn't look like his shoulders are hunched over his tits. When he sits down, he shouldn't look like his pants outta be around his ankles (when you're that BIG, you find a seat that makes you look BIG.

Speaking of seats, whoever put that desk in my bedroom, outta be shot. As a Qunari, the desk itself only comes up to my knee, so the chair behind it obviously isn't for me. I'm assuming it's for my secretary, but why is it in my bedroom, the only room that I MIGHT find some modicum of privacy. So again, when Bull sits on my desk to give me the what's what in BDSM, he looks like he's shitting on my paperwork.

The Iron Bull SHOULD have had a skeletal frame of his own!!! Aside from that, I find he's quite a capable warrior. But he ain't worth a crap, if all you give him are found equipment. You need to pamper his ass for combat; and who are you sending him into combat with? He needs Guard, and he needs a second warrior, he can't be the only one out there. Cassandra/Blackwall and Cole make a viscous threesome for my Knight Enchanter. Shadizar666 (Ruck Rules) 03:16, July 7, 2015 (UTC)

To the OP: The game has clipping issues with the larger (and smaller) characters, which is why some armor is restricted from qunari. You should really craft your own armor. "Found" armor and weapons are always inferior to what you can make. You can also add arm and leg parts to your armor, or remove them if they have a clipping issue or something. You can even tint your armor now. Granted, the crafting system won't get you anything as cool as the special sets you can find in Origins, but it's better than the DA 2 armor IMO, where your companions had the same outfits for the whole game.

As for Iron Bull dying in combat, that's probably because you're trying to use him as a tank, which he's not. He needs backup from Cassandra or Blackwall or a shield-using Inquisitor. Iron Bull excels at dealing massive melee damage, but he's actually more fragile than a high-level Viviene. This is by design. Bull himself says he prefers to deal damage with big weapons rather than maximize defense.

FYI you can get horns exactly like the Arishok's. If you don't like your horns use the Mirror of Transfiguration. There are several decent horn options - more than there are good hairstyles for female dwarf/elf/human Inquisitors. Silver Warden (talk) 20:10, July 7, 2015 (UTC)

Laziness defines a lot on this game (or lack of time, but hey we are here to judge) it starts well, but as you get close to the ending more this stays clear. The cut scenes are terrible to most of the characters my inquisitor looks like a fucking pigeon with that chest on cut scenes. Eroian (talk) 23:49, July 8, 2015 (UTC)

No actually you can't get the arishok's horns. Same design, way smaller. Also, even if he did have them, my qunari is a little bitch. I wanted a super masculine beast not a human shaped qunari with horns. Even just the qunari from DA@ shape would be fine. Being smaller then Bull is okay, I get what he is, but I should still look impressive and wear qunari armor. I use the Bull fine. He's in Battlemaster mail, I always use him to flank and deal damage and never charge, and he dies immediately.He's a bitch in gameplay and kind of a douche in the story. I wanted more, I guess, not shitty player design for qunari and a companion who is on his period the whole fucking game. Varric, once again, is the only character that's redeemable since Awakening. I actually like Solas, I always tell Blckwall to fuck off becuase he's a broody cunt, Sera is fun but she gives me the impression that she isn't only uneducated, but actually stupid. Cassandra is meh, Vivienne has nothing to offer to me lore wise, Cole is okay, Dorian is literally a diva, they ruined Lelianna, Josy is meh, and Cullen is meh. -- (talk) 06:45, July 9, 2015 (UTC)

Blackwall isn't broody in my opinion. Sure, he's bummed out after Haven and Adamant Fortress, but generally he seems pretty upbeat. He seems to get along with everyone except Vivienne. I appreciate all the new characters, but I think I like Solas the least. I felt he was uncharacteristically close-minded during Cole's companion quest and during his own friendship scene, (the scene in which he asks if the Mark has changed the Inquisitor). As for having issues with character death in combat, at least on normal mode, that shouldn't be happening as long as you're doing a good job in generating either Barrier or Guard. Also, character level has an intense impact on how things play out. Your actual combat performance is a variable that depends on both your stats and your level. (talk) 11:40, July 9, 2015 (UTC)
Seriously. If your characters are dying a lot it's probably because you're underleveled. Some areas are designed for higher levels and sometimes even certain sub-areas feature higher level enemies than the rest of the area. The Hinterlands is a prime example of this. The west part of the Hinterlands has higher level enemies than a character who just started the game can face. It's best to clear the east section first, then go do In Hushed Whispers/Champions of the Just and then return to the Hinterlands to clear the western section.
Later on in the game you'll encounter the opposite problem. If you do all the sidequests, by the time you get to the Exalted Plains and the Emerald Graves you'll be overleveled and have a fairly easy time in combat, even on nightmare.
Regardless, Bull does tend to die first in tough fights. But this is by design. Someone has to die first, and it is usually the non-tank warrior. This is not a situation unique to Inquisition. It's true of many of games - including Origins and DA 2.
As for the size of the qunari Inquisitor, I don't see what you're getting at. He's bigger than Sten, bigger than the normal qunari from Origins & DA 2, and about the same size as the Arishok and Iron Bull. He's smaller than ogres or dragons, but that's about it. If you want him to feel truly huge, set him up with a team of Cassandra, Solas, and Varric/Sera. It's all about perspective. Next to Iron Bull he will seem less enormous, but what do you expect, they're both the same sex and the same race. Perhaps the fact that he wears normal armor which doesn't expose his chest makes him seems less muscular, but if looks are that goddamn important to you, don't equip any armor. Silver Warden (talk) 20:18, July 9, 2015 (UTC)
Appearance and lore are the most important to me. He may be taller, but I'm talking about muscularity here. He is nothing to the DA2 Qunari or Iron Bull. I want him to look impressive. I'm 245 pounds and I'm not super impressive, 17% bodyfat, so when I like my own body better then my supposedly beefy monster, I'm disappointed. I'm working my ass off to be huge in real life, I should be able to be a beast in a game-especially if I'm a 6 feet eight inch hunk of muscle. I wish dwarves had huge sloping chests with shoulders and arms etched of stone, that elves were lithe and corded, and the humans look good. They are muscular, and proportioned correctly. This is fantasy, I also want to make a beer bellied barrel chested dwarf too. OPTIONS -- (talk) 03:01, July 10, 2015 (UTC)
I do miss the elves of DA 2, and I don't get why they took them a step backwards in Inquisition. They look more elfy than Origins, but DA 2 did a much better job of making them look distinct than Inquisition does.
The dwarves look like dwarves. Short and stocky. DA 2 and Inquisition dwarves definitely look more dwarfy than Origins dwarves. Compare Oghren to Varric. Oghren could pass for a short human but Varric is undoubtedly a dwarf.
I don't see the male qunari Inquisitor as any more or less muscular than Iron Bull or the qunari from DA 2. He simply doesn't display it because he's covered in armor. Seriously, take his armor off and compare him to Iron Bull. If anything, the male qunari Inquisitor has better abs. He also has much broader shoulders and bigger arms and legs than any human. IMO he actually looks way more "qunari" than Sten, who really was just a tall dude with grey skin.
I will grant you that Iron Bull's version of various armors is cooler than the standard look that the Inquisitor gets, and it would have been nice to have a similar look for the qunari Inquisitor. But that's an issue with the armor ascetic, not the qunari themselves. Silver Warden (talk) 20:33, July 10, 2015 (UTC)
Doesn't matter which inquisitor is wearing the armor; the inquisitor armor just plain sucks donkey balls. That says little about what I think of the inquisitor uniform. In general, I think the inquisitor got the shit end of the stick fashion wise. Shadizar666 (Ruck Rules) 20:15, July 13, 2015 (UTC)