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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionOrigins: Stuck on Boss fight at RedCliff Castle.
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Hello Everyone,

I just loaded this game a few days ago and its pretty sweet. However I am a big stuck at the moment and was wondering if anyone could tell me what I was doing wrong.

Combat wise, things have gone fairly smoothly up until now, I have the game set on Easy and my party wades through enemies with little trouble. Then we get to the boss fight in RedCliff Castle courtyard......Yeash. I dont know what I am doing wrong but my party is getting owned. no matter what weapons I use or what tactics I select, the big boss demon takes us out usually in one or two blows. I have tried at least 10 times now and cant make it past that battle. what is the secret?

Dupmeister (talk) 17:43, October 13, 2014 (UTC)

Depends on your party and such. Some main pointers:

  • Have your mage cast something to weaken it (Debilitation spell tree) or buff your party (Enhancements). I doubt you have Mana Clash but if you do- One Hit Kill Spell.
  • Position your rogue to backstab if they use melee weapons, if your Rogue is an archer, have them use their abilities and stay the hell away from it.
  • If the demon is taking out your warrior in one or two shots... reload your save and go train/buy better stuff- that shouldn't be happening at all. (talk) 16:19, October 13, 2014 (UTC)

Did you save the village? If so, did any of the knights survive? If they did, they will be waiting just outside the gate in the courtyard. You can open it before/while in combat, and they can be a big help. Also, notice the skeleton archers on top of the stairs. Althought they don't have quite the kick the Revenant has, they can become a pain in the ass. I usely send my tank and dps mage to take care of the Revenant, and my dps rogue to take out the archers on the stairs. Just keep drinking those health postions, and heal a lot with your healer, and you should make it through it. Lastly, if you have dog in your party (not adviced! He is outclased by almost all other party members!) there is a landmark tree near your entry point. Activate it with dog to give him an stat bonus. --M. Shields (talk) 16:27, October 13, 2014 (UTC)

Thanks along for that information M.Shields. I never thought about the gate or that there were knights behind it. so I think the next time I play, I will have my warrior and rouge attack the main group with the reverent, I will have the rouge backstab while stealthed, then I will have the sorceress and archer rouge open the gate then concentrate on the skeletons on the stairs. hopefully it works. Dupmeister (talk) 17:42, October 13, 2014 (UTC)

Be sure to search this wiki aswell. There is an page full of strateties for taking on a Revenant. Just search for "Revenant (strategy)". Good luck with the fight! --M. Shields (talk) 18:23, October 13, 2014 (UTC)

And Done :)

Thanks so much M.Shields, Apparently opening the gate made all the difference. I never would have figured that out as I never once even noticed the gate in all the times I tried that scene. 12 times through and each time I got slaughtered. Open the gate and it was as easy as eating pancakes, I didn't even need any buffs or potions. Making it to the gate was simple, I just went stealth and snuck over. Once I opened the gates the knights ewnt straight for the Reverent, while they had him occupied I snuck in under stealth and back stabbed him. he went down pretty fast considering all the trouble he has given me over the last two days.

so thank you again, that made a huge difference. Now onto the real challenge...finding the right set of dialog to woo Morrigan :) she is an emotional landmine :D

Dupmeister (talk) 12:24, October 14, 2014 (UTC)

Morrigan/Approval There's your resource for that challenge. Also, it's entirely possible to beat the Revenant at low levels without the gate opened, you get more experience that way. But you seem to have gotten through the fight now and have no need for that strategy. RShepard227 (talk) 15:29, October 14, 2014 (UTC)

Awesome. thanks for that. It seems like ever other thing I say to her pisses her off. So I looked at that page you linked and its no wonder, as the relationship progresses there is less and less you can say that wont tick her off. I was about to throw in the towel and chat Lilliana up :)

as for the Reverent fight, I might have gotten less experience but I really dont think I would have done it without the nights. I tried over and over, and just couldnt get the hang of it. but I appreciate the info, next play through I can try to take him out alone.

Dupmeister (talk) 19:10, October 14, 2014 (UTC)

Yeah, you really have to get used to the Tactics system. Although setting up Morrigan to use Vulnerability Hex on Elite ranks or higher will be very useful, plus Winter's Grasp on the nearest visible enemy. Use those examples to familiarize yourself with everything, then set up Alistair to use Taunt on the nearest enemies while using Self:Any to keep Shield Defense (much more useful than Shield Cover) up at all times. Wynne kinda overloads you right off the bat, but change some of her Heroic Offense/Aura tactics to use Stonefist and Arcane Bolt. Leliana can keep a Self:Any -> Song of Valor tactic and use Shattering Shot on medium armor or higher, two-handers can use Self:Any -> Indomitable, and absolutely should. Those are basic examples, take five minutes to set up and should make the game worlds easier. RShepard227 (talk) 00:22, October 15, 2014 (UTC)

Extremely helpful info. I appreciate that. I admit, as I have only been playing for a few days, the tactics portion had me befuddled. I had toyed around with it but couldn't understand what I was telling them to do LOL. with the examples you gave me, I should be able to sort things out. Currently I have Alistair set up with a great sword and I have been pushing his skill in two hand with each level-up he gets. Liliana on the other hand I have equipped with a bow and I have been pushing her archery and Bard skills, I play the rouge that does stealthy attacks and Morrigan I have...well I have been letting her do her thing because I dont know much about the magic system in this game.

Thanks again for the advise, I am actually starting a new character, an elven warrior so I will set up the tactics you outline and see if I can take the courtyard without extra help :)

Dupmeister (talk) 12:39, October 15, 2014 (UTC)

  • I would actually advise against pushing Alistair into two-handed fighting. The game sort of assumes that you'll keep him in his initial sword and board setup, and you get two other companions (Sten and Oghren) who are better suited for two-handed fighting. Learning how to program the tactics screen is very helpful, and is not too hard if you're good at reading the if/then statements. One thing I will strongly advise is setting up the tactics such that companions use health poultices, and have that be toward the top of the list. One example is "Self:Health<25% -> Use Item:Health poultice - most powerful." That sets the companion to use the most powerful health poultice available when their health goes below 25%. Feel free to ask around if you want more ideas for programming allies.

cant help with the boss fight, but while it seems hard Morrigan is the easiest to seduce in the whole game you just have to stat from the moment u meet her at the Korcari Wilds and by the time you finish lothering she should be ready to dance the horizontal tango with you the moment you get to camp, if u missed your chances try going for sarcastic remarks and gifts those help too and finally do her companion quest and you are in.

one very important thing once she starts warming up to you, go with loving remarks if u try being sarcastic/rude she will turn cold so fast u will start searching for Sub-Zero in the shadows Luper567 (talk)

Ok an update: I have created a new character, still a Rouge but this time around I have a better feel for how the system works so my skills and talents are a little more concentrated. and thanks to the advice on setting tactics for my companions, I can now take the courtyard without letting the knights in. the battle really didnt give me much pause at all this time. Apparently my companions not healing themselves made all the difference the first time around, as each one would fall the battle would slide out of my favor until I was always left alone fighting the Reverent and a handful of skels. Thanks again for all the advice.

on the romance angle, I have abandoned ship on Morrigan (as much as I love Claudia Black) and I am wooing Lilliana, she is pretty straight forward, give her gifts and feed the homeless children and she makes goo goo eyes at you. throw some Knife ears on and she cant resist you. ;)

Dupmeister (talk) 14:28, October 20, 2014 (UTC)

Glad to help, but don't get in the habit of chugging your way through every fight. You'll burn through your money replenishing the stock, and that tactic has been deliberately curtailed in II (yet it's difficult enough because they never tested the combat, only jacked up health, damage, and resistances on each enemy). A more useful approach will be to hold the game in pause while you switch to characters and pick out the best targets. Don't leave it to the A.I. to pick the best target, you'll lose the all-important first strike more often than not, and if you try to make a super-complex tactics list you'll either run out of slots or it will only work well in that one battle. Have Alistair go after the approaching enemy to stop their advance. Have Leliana shatter a warrior's armor and pin another one in place. Have Morrigan Force Field the boss until the lesser ranks are cleaned up, and when the opportunity to snare two or three enemies in Cone of Cold comes up, switch over to her to use it. A simple tactics list combined with stopping to pick the best target will get the most mileage in a game like this. And that list I gave you? Perfectly useful for Nightmare. RShepard227 (talk) 00:24, October 21, 2014 (UTC)

Thank you for the advice, I am getting more comfortable with the combat system, I haven't played a game before that allows the whole 'stop-and-plot' combat system. its this strange hybrid of turn based and live action but I think I can get used to it. I do like when I pause, I can rotate the camera, that is making a big difference because initially I was getting frustrated that during battle, the camera angle would shift and I couldn't see what I was targeting. by pausing and rotating, I can take command of the field better so its pretty cool.

Dupmeister (talk) 12:52, October 21, 2014 (UTC)
