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I'd like to know if anyone as heard any info rumor or hearsay about the next dlc after "jaw of hakon" ? and if you have can you share it with the rest of us please ? DragonInquisitor (talk) 13:15, May 28, 2015 (UTC)

Something about Darkspawn. Can't find the link but it was a twitter reply to someone asking if they'll see more Darkspawn. Oh, and apparently Gaider's writing for Fenris again. That's all I got. Take it with a grain of salt. Crimpycracker (talk) 18:04, May 28, 2015 (UTC)

I think that Darkspawn reference was a cheeky little hint. They left it ambiguous though. I could see a story that intrinsically links the Darkspawn to another major story--maybe something revolving around the Wardens that potentially sets up some future content. I personally hope the next DLC revolves around the Ferelden monarch or something. But as for news, there's not much. They're probably going to lay low since Jaws just came out for PS4. They might announce one for sometime in Autumn though. Lazare326 22:41, May 28, 2015 (UTC)

I haven't heard anything but the architect and all that stuff from awakening could sure use some development.-- (talk) 03:39, May 29, 2015 (UTC)

Well, if JoH is anything to go assume by, then it'll probably be something with the slightest tie-in to the actual story possible, and fleshes out info that probably should have been covered in the full games already. I would just hope that another 'darkspawn' oriented DLC wouldn't end up as god-awful as Legacy. Good gods, was that thing an abomination. EzzyD (talk) 05:02, May 31, 2015 (UTC)

Yeah, I wasn't too pleased with JoH's overall narrative which seemed more akin to an expansion. Though I hope the next DLC avoids that, though there are other things that JoF did well.But I have to iterate, Witcher 3's side quests are so intrinsically formed to actually matter and are narratively rich, that I hope BW take some note of that. At least BW does take note of what other franchises can do well, and maybe adopt. Lazare326 17:30, May 31, 2015 (UTC)
What was wrong with Legacy? I rather enjoyed it. A nice dungeon crawl with great banter and an enjoyable boss fight that set up Inquisition and fleshed out some more Warden and Darkspawn lore. Also, not the same map reused again. As for future DLC, I'm betting its going to be something to do with Kal-Sharok. First, we've had contact with them via a few War Table missions. Second, the devs have stated that all the DLC will take place on the current world map, i.e. Ferelden, Orlais, and the Free Marches, and Kal-Sharok is beneath Orlais. Thirdly, a lot of people have wanted to see Kal-Sharok, and it would be a chance to let the dwarves, who were lacking quite a bit in Inquisition, shine. And finally, in a Kotaku Q&A with Aaryn Flynn and Mark Darrah, someone asked about future DLC focusing on Darkspawn and the Deep Roads, and Flynn's response was "funny you should ask". I suppose it could be Orzammar, but Kal-Sharok is a place we haven't seen before, while we have seen Orzammar. --TheFereldenMagister (talk) 18:44, May 31, 2015 (UTC)