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Forums: Index > Game HelpMerchant Inventory Exploit
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A while ago, I was playing as a male human noble warrior and I was taking advantage of some bug early on to get more of the best equipment and gifts from merchants. It was an exploit that made merchant inventories reset (or certain items). I scrapped that playthrough early on after I did the glitch in Orzammar and now I don't remember how to do it. Does anyone know about this bug and know how to get it? Aedan Amell (talk) 17:21, July 4, 2014 (UTC)

Not sure if these are exploits, but you can purchase 2 bags from the Quartermaster in Ostagar if you see him before and after the Kacari Wilds. Also, you can get two of everything from Bodahn if buy from him as soon as you enter your party camp for the first time. Then go back to lothering, then back to party camp. You should then be able to buy everything again. How in the world you will have all that gold so early in the game, I don't know. --Elshiro (talk) 12:22, July 5, 2014 (UTC)

Exploit the sell glitch with the Reaper's Cudgel. You'll get a profit of 300 gold+ a pop. Wataru14 (talk) 11:59, July 6, 2014 (UTC)

Exploits (Origins) There you go. ----Isolationistmagi 14:30, July 6, 2014 (UTC)

I know about the Bodahn and Ostagar Quartermaster reset exploits, but this particular bug allowed me to get two Golden Mirrors from the merchant in Orzammar. Aedan Amell (talk) 14:58, July 6, 2014 (UTC)
