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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionKing or Queen in Awakening?
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Ok I am looking to get Awakening. in the description it says you can import your warden from Origins. my question is this: If I become King or if a Female warden married Alistair and becomes Queen, is that reflected in Awakening if you import your character? the description says NPCs will recognize an imported character, If I am King or Queen will they also treat me as such?

I loved The original Never Winter Nights but I was severely irritated by Hoards of the Under-dark because none of the companions would recognize you. They would crap on about how they assisted the hero of Neverwinter and I would shout at the screen "that was me you bint!!"

Perhaps a slight over reaction but I would prefer not to have another episode with Dragon Age ;)

Dupmeister (talk) 16:05, October 16, 2014 (UTC)

Yes if your female warden is married to alitair he mention it ( barely ) and in a more positive way then anora would to your male warden ( it almost sound like she hope that you had die ) but otherwise it's not mention very often and by a lot of peoples and SPOILLER WARNiNG : most of your crew is new save for oghren so it's not really an issue ( little funny thing make sure that in your transfered save ( one of them at least ) you took oghren into the fade in the broken circle quest dont worry it's noting game breaking just a funny anecdot when you click on the boat if he is in your party in the new fade )DragonInquisitor (talk) 18:30, October 16, 2014 (UTC)

A few of characters will definitely recognize your imported Warden as the Hero, and there are a few extra dialogues if you import a King/Queen Warden. It's nothing huge, but enough nice touches that makes it feel unique, and I usually import Couslands because of it. :) --Kelcat Talk 18:34, October 16, 2014 (UTC) Y Also being a Cousland has some unique dialogue with one for the followers that is interesting (well they all do but I find Cousland fits the DLC best) Blitzbear93 (talk) 19:57, October 16, 2014 (UTC)Blitzbear93

The real answer: Not really. There is the whole "consort" nonsense, so Anora doesn't call you "king". No one else does either. They call you Warden-Commander, even though being King is a higher title. There is also some bull crap where your King character will bow to Anora when she approaches, which I write off as him "tuning in" to the Deep Roads underground to make sure there are no more darkspawn around. Whoever wrote that code to bow to Anora was mistaken. No one bowed like that to Cailan in Ostagar, and he was King. But now the King bows to the Queen? Rubbish! Believe it! (talk) 21:22, October 16, 2014 (UTC)

That's true that's why i think that they should put out a sort of defenitive edition kind of like a "remastered* version of the game where they could fix all the bug and plot-hole as well as ofering better graphic i mean every other compagnie out there is doing it so why not bioware but i'll stop there before i vear too much off topic ok DragonInquisitor (talk) 01:47, October 17, 2014 (UTC)

That would be nice, I doubt it would happen, but I would love to see more lines that actually addressed a returning character from Origins or Oghren acting like a friend if you had him at 100% friendship in Origins.--Mearn-Tahl (talk) 07:10, October 17, 2014 (UTC)

There is some unique dialogue with other followers for Dwarf Commoner & Noble as well.

- (talk) 07:15, October 17, 2014 (UTC)

This game needs more modding support. Its one of the reasons Skyrim is so great, by itself it is ok but once you factor in the thousands of mods written for it by fans, it becomes a completely different animal. The mods I have seen for Dragon Age seem fairly tame, mostly simple mods that just add new items, I dont know if it is because there just isnt as big of a modding community for the game or if the way the game is written just isnt as fluid as Skyrim but it would be nice if it was. Bioware remastering the game is probably never going to happen, its more profitable to make another sequel then to re-release a polished up version of a game everyone has already bought. It would be nice though because the game has such potential, it would be nice if the developer had gone the extra mile. Voice acting for example, they have a full set of dialog for your character and they have an assortment of voice-types to select for your character and yet your character is mute throughout the game, everyone else talks yet when you select a bit of dialog, your character just stands there silently and then the NPCs respond...its sort of silly. Would it have killed them to pay an actor and actress to record a few hours of dialog?

Dupmeister (talk) 12:49, October 17, 2014 (UTC)

Yes, actually. For them to voice the custom character they would have to record multiple lines from every voice actor, or rather, each character. That includes the voice types, such as "Wise", "Cocky", "Mystical", etc. All those lines would pile up and take like three discs and way more GB to feature.
I think a better alternative would be to have the existing words chopped up into syllables and then each line would jump to the correct syllables. That way the voices are on one part of the disc and are compact, but the coding plays the audio in specific ways so that it can sound different and take new forms. An inflection mod could also be employed when necessary.
My main character is a male human noble with the Wise voice set. I have looked over his statements and I have picked out all the vowels, numerous consonants, and various inflections. There are also whole words that can be recycled in various ways. Using that audio I could probably create new spoken lines for my character if I had the modding software. Believe it! (talk) 15:19, October 17, 2014 (UTC)

Another alternative would have been to not implement multiple voice-sets. If they just selected one actor and one actress to be the voice of the warden then the coding would have been much simpler. I for one would rather have a fully voiced character even if all my characters sounded the same. If I am not mistaken, they did that with Hawke in Dragon Age II.

Dupmeister (talk) 19:48, October 17, 2014 (UTC)

Well, Hawke had two voice sets, male and female. Also, that's probably not the best of examples to point to. I've read that most people dislike the Hawke approach, which might be why Inquisition is going with a male/female and English/American four voice setup. Hawke was also just a human. You couldn't pick elf, dwarf, or kossith. Hawke was also just one individual. In other words, the same person each time except where the choice of gender was concerned. Origins not only had multiple races and both sexes, but it also allowed for many different appearances within each origin. Hawke can have one voice actor because it's always Hawke. A city elf and a dalish elf on the other hand should logically sound different. Another problem with this is that it limits dialogue choices. Hawke's lines are all pretty basic and sparse compared to Origins, which usually had five or more responses spanning a range of attitudes and tone. Hawke only had three basic emotions, give or take. The Hero had dozens. I would rather imagine the custom character in my head, and have the thought reinforced occasionally with spoken lines. But my ideal is the option I mentioned above, if that's possible. Believe it! (talk) 02:20, October 19, 2014 (UTC)

Fair enough.

As far as Dragon Age III is concerned, you said there would be 4 voicesets to encompass male/female, English/American. Does that mean that they will use the same voicesets regardless of race? As I have read you can play an inquisitor from various races.

Dupmeister (talk) 13:17, October 20, 2014 (UTC)

Yes. After you pick male or female, then your race, you will have two voices to choose from; one with an English accent, and a different one with an American accent.
I will probably have four official playthroughs, one with each voice. I will have to listen to how the voices sound first before I set them to any specific characters, but I'm thinking English for humans and American for other races. I might give my primary character, the male human mage, an American accent. I don't know. I wouldn't be opposed to the female kossith having an English accent, but Alex Wilton Reagan's voice doesn't fit a kossith at all. I might have her voice a female elf mage, but elves don't have English accents. Same with dwarves. I do plan to re-create Ser Cauthrien and Ser Mhairi though, as non-canon playthroughs. AWR voiced them in DA:O/A. Should be interesting. Believe it! (talk) 01:13, October 21, 2014 (UTC)

Its too bad they didnt do a voice set using Corinne Kempa, I love listening to her speak. Yes your character would sound like Liliana when she made an apearence in the game but you could role play your way out of that one by saying your character is from Orlis and all those damn Orlisians sound alike ;)

Dupmeister (talk) 14:26, October 21, 2014 (UTC)
