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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionFunny Bugs in DA: I
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My question is, if you have seen bugs that have just made you laugh. This is not a topic for complaining about Dragon Age Inquisition. Bugs are inevitable (as with any game), particularly with so much put into it.

One of the bugs I found funny was during Josephine's personal mission, she and Leliana are talking at Skyhold, and my Inquisitor was slowly sinking into the floor. I just laughed my head off, especially since the advisors were still keeping eye contact with my Inquisitor as he was talking (it was back to normal after the conversation ended). Again, try to avoid turning this into a complaint thread, but have you run into any bugs during your playthrough that just made you laugh? Magic713 (talk) 03:37, November 23, 2014 (UTC)

I've got one. When the Avvar chief threw the goats against Skyhold's walls, the animation glitched up, so the goat moved like a statue, with no animation on it's actual body, just ramming into the wall. --TheFereldenMagister (talk) 20:09, November 23, 2014 (UTC)

My inquisitor got a jumping glitch and he was just doing the moon walk all around skyhold Clan Lavellan's Next Keeper (talk) 01:25, November 24, 2014 (UTC)

After gaining the help of the mages, when Dorian comes to join the conversation in the chantry he starts talking and his facial features slide up so his mustache was above his nose. He was talking like nothing was wrong with him. Also, there are times when the voice overs have been put in wrong, and so it sounds like they are speaking a foreign language because the words jumble together. (talk) 04:44, November 24, 2014 (UTC)

I got one. When I go talk to Varric by the campfire in Haven, one of his legs will start sinking through the floor before popping back up. It ends up making him look like he's spontaneously decided to do a jig or squats while talking to you. (talk) 20:08, November 24, 2014 (UTC)

I had the Dorian moustache dance going on too! And I'm also getting a couple of weird ghost dialogue choices - they kind of appear, but you can't access them, and then they fade away. One of them was in Redcliffe Castle: 1) Connor, no!, 2) Bastards! & I can't remember the 3rd. The other one I remember was during Blackwall's badge mission, when you get a ghost dialogue choice to say 1)I'm sorry, 2) Get over it & something else. Anybody know what these are? I'mSoConfused (talk) 19:20, November 25, 2014 (UTC)

Those "ghost" dialogue options are not glitches. A NPC nearby will have an activator above their head, opening the dialogue tree. (talk) 19:45, November 25, 2014 (UTC)

That's what I thought, but for Blackwood I was standing right in front of him, and for Redcliffe I couldn't find anybody in the area to talk to. Has anybody else not been able to get the dialogue to activate? If it's just me, I guess I'll be trying another playthrough. I'mSoConfused (talk) 19:50, November 25, 2014 (UTC)

I dismounted my horse, slid down a ledge, and saw the horse jump up in the air sideways and land in front of me on the lower part of the cliff. It's like it wanted me to ride on it more. Also saw a sell sword levitate high in the air when Varric did the backflip shot on him. Since the sell sword was in the air, he looked like a giant compared to everyone on the ground. I also found a bandit just strolling along a path on the Redcliffe Farm like it was nothing. Bandits aren't supposed to show up there. So when I attacked him he just kept backing away from my party. Cass could not Scorpion him, my mages could not freeze him in place, and my main character's flashfire did not cause him to run aimlessly. Even Cass' bull charge didn't knock him down, but it did let her catch up to him and kill him. Payback Strike didn't knock him down either. He didn't attack, just kept walking backward trying to get to a designated battlefield, which he failed to do. Got a rare ring from him when he died though. Also, one last thing I remember, a wolf in that cave with the demon, when I killed the pack, there was one wolf who was actually dead as far as the game went, but the model was still alive. It was stuck against the wall of the cave. My party could not sheath their weapons and I could not save because I was still technically in combat. All my party members gathered around it but did not attack. The wolf did not attack either. Just stuttered there. Then Cass finished the job in one hit and a bunch of wolves could be heard howling. I thought, "Poor wolf". Then the game went back to normal. Believe it! (talk) 20:38, November 25, 2014 (UTC)

I remember when I fought the first pride demon in the prologue, my last attack on it was Payback Strike which somehow had enough force to fling his dead body into a wall where he ended up stuck halfway in. It looked like I'd phased him into the wall with him frozen with his hands stretching out to me and mouth open with his loot in front of it. It looked so sad. Like I'm robbing him and all he can do is essentially make this face D: (talk) 22:16, November 25, 2014 (UTC)

varric saying 'i dont like to dance'(or smth similar) while he moonwalks...i just couldnt stop laughing. Tho the thing at radcliff with 'connor no' happend to me to no npc i picked one of them and found nothing... its wierd because i have no idea who it was and i was angry because i wanted to know... - Faye Cousland

This is a specialization specific thing with the Knight Enchanter (most OP thing ever!) not even sure it can fit into the glitch category, let alone a bug... 'cuz it's working as intended. Hilarious, though! So, the last active ability in the tree is the 'Time Bubble' as I call it. With the upgrade, it stops enemies inside completely (those not immune to slow effects). So I cast that on a Venatori Brute, while Varric, oh so helpfully placed an ungraded Spike Trap just under him. The result? The Brute catapults to the top of my time-spot dome, where he freezes and... stays there. The fun part was, when the spell ended, he still stayed there, stuck. And Cass, ever the zealous faithful kept slashing thin air right under him without damaging him... over and over again. Me, Varric and Solas just stayed back and watched, laughing our @sses off! --PSBlasius (talk) 14:09, November 26, 2014 (UTC)

Not sure if it counts as a bug but it requires on to reach, so if you fall through the floor in Skyhold there is a large box with a top hat on. I couldn't get a better look because it disappeared when I got close. I don't know why but I found it funny, especially when fairground style music started playing. Has anyone else seen this? --M29G (talk) 11:38, November 27, 2014 (UTC)

I just had the same Skyhold bug. Fell through the floor, and then some creepy, high-pitched horns and bells music started playing while I wandered beneath the fortress, glancing what appeared to be a giant muffin with a top hat and an angry expression out of the corner of my eye. Whenever I tried to see it close and straight-on, it vanished, but the music remained. I was almost convinced it was a hallucination, since I hadn't slept for a couple of days or so, but that it happened to someone else validates my bemusement a bit.

Also, it was fantastic to see in a way that I don't really understand. --Darkbookmage (talk) 01:40, November 28, 2014 (UTC)
