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Forums: Index > Lore DiscussionBinding Demons and Abominations.
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So this subject first occurred when I was wondering why Abominations keep springing from the ground in random places in DA2. Eg, during the confrontation with Wilmod, Tahrone's tomes or chasing Gascard du Puis. So, after reading the first letter you find at Gascard's describing an artifact that could control and presumably summon Demons, and as Abominations appear, them too. So that combined with Tahrone's tomes, it would seem there is some kind of old magic that can summon and bind Demons and Abominations to objects. In Origins the Abominations only appeared in fixed locations, and as far as I remember, never randomly sprouted from the ground. So what do you think? SenjiBen (talk) 06:45, November 26, 2013 (UTC)

I take anything that happens in combat with a grain of salt. DA2 is a story told to Cassandra by Varric. Some of the details are likely exaggerated. Instead of fighting a dozen demons and abominations, it could be that Hawke & co. actually fought the summoner plus maybe one or two demons. Not all of DA2 is absolutely true at face value. The gist of is, and anything that happens in cut scenes is probably the full truth, but combat is up for debate. Do the corpses magically vanish seconds after death? Can Hawke & crew run up to street vendor covered in blood and receive no reactions from the merchants? Some things that happen during game play just make no sense if taken literally.
This effect is even demonstrated in the game itself. At beginning of DA2, Varric tells a story where a totally OPed Hawk effortlessly slaughters dozens of hurlocks and a ogre. When he retells that part of the story to Cassandra (after she calls him on his BS), there are fewer darkspawn, Hawke and his sibling are much weaker, and the ogre is more powerful. And for some reason, Bethany's breasts are smaller. --Silver Warden (talk) 08:15, November 26, 2013 (UTC)
While I agree with the later examples, the instances of Vanishing corpses, no reaction to blood and the number of enemies are more about gameplay mechanics. Especially as some happened in DAO, like corpses turning into skeletons after being looted and no reaction to gore or fighting in populated places. However, in DAO, Abominations never reared from the ground. And it is obvious that the Demons could be bound as my above examples. So it seems likely that the Abominations you encounter at the time were bound too. SenjiBen (talk) 08:56, November 26, 2013 (UTC)
Possibly. In those cases, demons are clearly in direct control of their mortal hosts, as a opposed to Andres, Wynne, or other exotic cases where the host retains some control. Sophia Dryden was bound to Soldier's Peak, although I'm not sure if she was an abomination or a demon possessing a corpse. Revenants can clearly be bound or summoned, so the question is if binding a demon possessing a living host is different from binding a demon possessing a corpse. Zathrian and Velanna use their keeper magic to summon and control sylvans which are alive, although the fact that trees are as mindless as corpses might be why they can be controlled just as easily as undead creatures. --Silver Warden (talk) 18:53, November 26, 2013 (UTC)
That and, Demons that possess inanimate lifeforms or what they perceive as life, are driven mad, eg, Sylvans or walking corpses. So perhaps that makes them easier to manipulate. So it would seem there are several ways to use Demons and their possessions. 1) Tearing the Veil and summoning them directly. Risky as we see at Soldier's Peak, under certain conditions it's easy for them to become unbound and summon more of their brethren. 2) Summoning them and binding the away into objects. This proves to be used mostly as a security measure, like traps as we see at Gascard du Puis' or with Tahranoe's tomes. 3) Directly manipulating weaker Possessions already present. Like the Dalish using Sylvans or Decimus raising corpses. An interesting idea that we only saw a little of in Origins. Hopefully with the 'Tear in the Veil' theme for Inquisition, we'll see more expanded on it. SenjiBen (talk) 19:08, November 26, 2013 (UTC)

I believe that demons can be bound to simple sbject like the black vials of blood found in Origins that contain reverants. The only way I can see a abomination popping out of the ground is in Varric's mind. Has anyone else noticed that we only get skeletons in DA2 but no actual corpses? I wonder why the Velanna and Zathrian can contol trees, is it a type of nature magic, blood/demon summoning, or something else?LadyMabari (talk) 02:46, November 27, 2013 (UTC)LadyMabariLadyMabari (talk) 02:46, November 27, 2013 (UTC)

Zathrian and Velanna are keepers, they are trained to control plants, Velanna uses roots, as for sylvans, they are abominations and simple-minded demons like rage demons can be mentally enslaved without blood magic.FirstDrellSpectre (talk) 08:48, November 27, 2013 (UTC)