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Forums: Index > Lore DiscussionAnyone Else Think Your Choice Made in the Broken Circle will be just as important as the one you make at the end of Dragon Age II?
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Given how obviously influential the Warden and Hawke will be in DA3, does anyone agree that the choice made at the end of the Broken Circle quest line in DAO? This choice has the potential to align the two together on either side, or against each other either way. I definitely think it will be key point in determining sides in DA3.

I think it will have a major impact. For instance, if you enacted the Right of Annulment in both games, that will really cause things to blow up in terms of killing all mages. Two major circles killing all their mages? A lot of circle templar might start following the example... or vice versa if you save the mages in Origins and free both them and Kirkwall, that will have the opposite effect possibly, making mages more willing to fight for freedom. Or mix-match and truly causing an interesting war... who knows though, I'm hoping bioware handles these variables well hahaDoguso (talk) 23:59, March 22, 2011 (UTC)

i'd think two major circles ordering the Right of Annulment in the space of a decade would have the opposite result than you suggest, No Circle would dare risk the Right of Annulment for quite a while after for fear of the blacklash and accusations of genocide. Siding with the Mages in DA:2 however would make it more likely to happen as it would show Mages as a threat worse in the mind of the public so more acceptable. Absentmindedtiger (talk) 00:06, March 23, 2011 (UTC)

The Right never gets called in DAO, Denerim never responds to Gregor's panic prior to your Warden taking action. Once you run thru the tower, if you don't or can't save Ivring then there is no threat left in the tower. It is possible for the PC to enter the battle with the intent on saving Irving and then not being able to due to how the battle flows, it is valid for a player to not reload under the circumstances if they choose to live with how the battle played out. The game never says or insinuates that the children are killed. The game never says or insinuates that the surviving good mages (Petra, Kinnen, The Smuggler etc) are killed. Wynne never reacts in a way that suggests such happened either and she should. Wynne just says the Circle is gone. Also I believe, if I recall right (it's possible I'm not however), that Gregory says or an epilogue may say something about mages being sent to another Circle and the tower is waiting for more mages to arrive and re-establish Ferelden's Circle. Sending mages to another Circle after a tragedy is in line with behavior shown in DA2 as well (in regards to Starkhaven's Circle sending mages to Kirkwall). --Zambingo (talk) 00:36, March 23, 2011 (UTC)

THe Rite of Annulment olny applies to full mages. Apperntices and Childern are spared but anyone who went through the Harrowing is not.CrowInvictus (talk) 05:01, March 23, 2011 (UTC)

^With that said... It's possible for the Warden to be pro-mage and not have been able to save Ivring. So it would not be prudent of BioWare to force an anti-mage personality on your Warden based on whether Irving survived or not. This type of personality conflict could just evolve based on player decisions inside of dialogue or action of whatever meeting BioWare decides to create between the Warden and Hawke in a future title. --Zambingo (talk) 00:36, March 23, 2011 (UTC)

It could've also changed after time, Broken Circle occurs pretty early in the Greater Dragon Age timeline (the Warden and Hawke wouldn't have met for atleast 10 years latter.) Edit: Let me clairify, this is not to support that the Warden is anti-mage but that an anti-mage or pro-mage could have a change of heart.CrowInvictus (talk) 07:51, March 23, 2011 (UTC)
If you ask me, the Warden WILL NOT be in another Dragon Age unless we control him directly. Having Hawke and the Warden meeting, two characters we have fleshed out ourselves (the Warden being completely created by us, the player) it wouldn't make sense to have two characters having dialogue with eachother when they both need imput by us, and one of them is completely silent. Anchovy93 (talk) 05:08, March 23, 2011 (UTC)
especially given that in a good half of play throughs the warden died killing the archdemon, if the warden turns up at all the import save timeline feature is broken