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Forums: Index > Wiki DiscussionAn Inquisition Specific Forum
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Just a suggestion. When Inquisition comes out and we play it, we will naturally want to talk about the game's content. If we put such discussion threads in the main forums for gameplay or lore, it could spoil things for those who have not played it at that point.

So wouldn't it make sense to start planning an Inquisition specific forum where all Inquisition related discussion can take place?

Also, any new thread in such a forum would not appear on the Wiki main page. Even the topic's title could be a spoiler. Believe it! (talk) 14:39, September 17, 2014 (UTC)

I'll be at uni when it comes out so I may wait 10 days later to play the game, don't know yet. Regardless, I agree, I'd appreciate it if we did this and guided people to this, as forum titles can be a bit too spoilerish at times. So I'd really appreciate it if this was done. Btw, i'm going to be avoiding the wikia for a good month when it comes out anyways. Lazare326 15:24, September 17, 2014 (UTC)

I think it's a good idea. It will probably help keep multiplayer party requests from flooding the main page as well. --Dbiznaz (talk) 18:00, September 17, 2014 (UTC)

Good point. Good point. Believe it! (talk) 21:06, September 17, 2014 (UTC)