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Forums: Index > Game HelpAccess old savegames
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I play DAO on XBOX. When I start a new game in DAO, all my savegames disappear. The savegames are still on disk, but I cannot access them within the game. Has anybody an idea, how I can make them available in the game again? Thanks -- (talk) 23:38, October 29, 2011 (UTC)Goladir

When you go to the LOAD GAME tab, you will only see the files for the most recent character saved. To toggle between characters you need to press the X button. This should bring up a menu with all of your saved characters including the ones from Awakening, Leliana's song, Golemn's of Amgorrak, Witch Hunt and the Darkspawn Chronicles. (This can be frustrating when you see the same character appear four times.) Anyway, select the specific character you want and then the specific save file. (NOTE: there is a limit of ten different characters on one console.) --Isolationistmagi (talk) 00:04, October 30, 2011 (UTC)

And just FYI. 10 characters doesn't mean 10 separate characters.

Origins is 1 character. Leliana's Song is 1 character. Awakening is 1 character. Darkspawn Chronicles is 1 character. Golems of Amgarrak is 1 character. Witch Hunt is 1 character. Jamie Jones54842 (talk) 00:22, October 30, 2011 (UTC)
