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Forums: Index > Game DiscussionA possible new follower
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Apparently, a new character and possible follower is featured in NAG, a South African gaming magazine. Follow this link to look at the concept art (click the link below the article for PDF contents): http://www.nag.co.za/2010/11/nag-december-2010-issue/

So far we know (and has been confirmed):

  • He's not a Dalish.
  • He's not a mage.
  • His in-game look is possibly different from the concept art.
  • He was written by David Gaider.

I personally think it's a shame he's not a mage... I was hoping for a male mage LI. But anything can happen, right? Nevertheless, I love his look. Silver hair and the tattoos look especially good.

Your thoughts? Falandra (talk) 15:46, December 2, 2010 (UTC)

I like his design (yes, me, like Alistair, am a sucker for clothes), the silver lines along his body give him an exoteric/exotic feel. Not a mage... An Spirit Warrior, pherheaps? Anyways, sinse characters are being redesigned for the new art style, he could be Zevran. I would like to see Zev again, he was so fun discussing with everyone. The Bard From Hell (talk) 21:40, December 2, 2010 (UTC)

I'm really opening to see some female elf romance options. The one thing I felt the first game was lacking in was the inter-racial relationships. There was only Zev for the ladies or men of that persuasion, and I'll be honest, I'm not gay but all of my characters tapped Zev. But still, I'd like to see some diversity in the romance options this time around.
