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Forums: Index > Game Discussion8 love interest, 8 potential Inquisitors, who belongs with who?
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So Inquisition has been out for a while now and we have 8 potential love interests, there are also 8 potential inquisitors based on race and gender so for a bit of fun, who in your opinion is best suited with who?

mine are the following

Females Female elf and Solas (for obvious reasons) Female human and Cullen (again for obvious reasons) Female Qunari and Sera (since Sera dialogue indicates a love of Quanari women) Female dwarf and Blackwall (kind of by default but make sense in my mind)

males Male Elf and Dorian Male Human and Cassandra Male Qunari and Josephine Male Dwarf and Iron Bull

I found the male pairings to be a bit harder for me to figure out I ended up going more with personal prefences as opposed to much reasoning (apart from Cass and the human male cause that makes sense in a very chantry way) the other three however were more for personal reasons

Who do you think belongs with who? --Tabristhegreat (talk) 06:22, January 20, 2015 (UTC)

>> Blackwall - Female, preferably a little impetuous or else able to prod him along now and again

>> Cassandra - Male Mage; preferably non human

>> Cullen - his hair

>> Dorian - Male rogue or Templar, Human or Elf

>> (The) Iron Bull - rogue or warrior (shield) with slightly impish personality, non Qunari... Krem would actually be ideal were it not for the incident in the tavern which I think would make it weird between them were they to become intimate.

>> Josephine - Personally I cannot tell with her... she does not seem as easy to pick as the others; I understand Blackwall is a chance

>> Sera - Female... possibly a mage might be fun, I like the idea of a Qunari

>> Solas - Pain, Male, Giant (talk) 06:54, January 20, 2015 (UTC)
