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Forums: Index > Game Discussion***SPOILERS***Alistair and Hawke***SPOILERS***
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So I haven't gotten this far yet but apparently the only way to keep both Hawke and Alistair alive is if you made Alistair king? Is that correct? I'm trying to decide which DA:O playthrough to use in the Keep. Thanks. Kattressa (talk) 00:53, November 24, 2014 (UTC)

Basically, there's a mission where you have Hawke and a Warden along with you, at the end of which you have to choose one of them to stay behind and die while the rest of the party survives. If Alistair is King, it can't and won't be him. If Hawke's sibling is among the Grey Wardens, it's probably them. For me, it was Stroud. So, if you want to be absolutely certain that Alistair and Hawke will both survive, yes, Alistair needs to be king unless someone else can confirm whether Carver/Bethany take priority over him.Zeralith (talk) 01:30, November 24, 2014 (UTC)

What Zeralith says is correct. If Alistair is a Grey Warden then you will have to choose between him or Hawke. If Alistair is King then he is not in the mission. Bethany or Carver being a Grey Warden has no effect on the mission. The Dread Wolf 02:14, November 24, 2014 (UTC)

What, really? It's either Alistair or Stroud? Funny, I'd have thought the sibling a more trustworthy Warden contact for Hawke than "this guy I met one time in a hurry when the Qunari were invading", even if said guy is the bastard son of a king who directly helped save the world from an Archdemon. ...does the Hawke Sibling even appear at any point, then? Hm, no matter, I suppose I'll find out for myself... Zeralith (talk) 02:26, November 24, 2014 (UTC)

Spoilerish, if Carver or Bethany are Wardens Hawke explains that he had Aveline take the sibling in question far away from Orlais the second he heard about Wardens acting funny because he wanted to protect them from whatever was going on no matter what. Also apparently you can see loghain if he was a warden. (User: JoKr)

In my World state Alistair is king and Loghain was the Warden with Hawke. I knew I kept him alive for a reason. Wonder if you can get Nathaniel or Anders in other states.LEclipz (talk) 06:03, November 24, 2014 (UTC)

There's only 3 people the Warden can be. Either Stroud if Alistair is king, Alistair if he's a Warden, or Loghain if he became a Warden. (talk) 22:25, December 27, 2014 (UTC)