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Forums: Index > Lore Discussion"mages are contagus"
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In the quest shepherding wolves Arvaarad says "mages are dangerous and contagious,

not even the Templars fully understand that threat" those may not have been his

exact words but that's the gist.

If he can be trusted that this has some truly staggering implications, mages

could somehow give others the ability to use magic. It could be construed to mean

that demons can posses others through mages but that is a threat templars are well

aware of and understand fully.

I would like to see this explored a bit more in DA3 considering it's almost

certain that it will center around the mage templar war, It could be used as a

powerful weapon for the mages, if templars are given orders to kill mages on

sight then imagine the havoc that a knight commander being given magic would

cause. (talk) 03:31, June 10, 2012 (UTC)

Orsino: Blood magic! Where do you not see blood magic? My people cannot sneeze without you accusing them of corruption. Tommyspa (talk) 03:42, June 10, 2012 (UTC)

Bear in mind you're being told this by a mage handler from a race that treats their mages quite brutally compared to the Templars. Qunari mages are bound in chains, their lips are stitched together and are leashed to a Qunari called an Arvaarad, which translates to "Holds back Evil". Any Saarebas ("Dangerous Thing") that has been seperated from an Arvaarad is considered tainted and is more often than not, executed. These "precautions" are supposed to protect Qunari from mages becoming possessed by demons, so the contagious comment is more referring to the way that one mage possessed by a demon can do far more damage than several soldiers, and how one mage can corrupt other mages. But do bear in mind that the Qunari do have a skewed view of mages. --Madasamadthing (talk) 13:44, June 10, 2012 (UTC)

You take the words of the Arvaraad too seriously. ----Isolationistmagi 14:25, June 10, 2012 (UTC)

Umm, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't a codex entry on the Qunari say that they, in general, weren't all that skilled with the common language? So for all we know, this comment could have been a translation problem. Or, you know, another example of bad writing in DA2.Avg Man (talk) 20:27, June 10, 2012 (UTC)

Most likely the latter. EzzyD (talk) 20:51, June 10, 2012 (UTC)
Both! ----Isolationistmagi 00:46, June 11, 2012 (UTC)

The reason a Qunari mage has his lips sewn shut is because they believe that you can cause demonic possession simply by having a conversation. I think that is what he is referring to (along with what Isolationistmagi was talking about) when referring to 'contagious'. I believe it follows the narrow-mindedness that IS the Qun if you ask me... Warden Mage: Ferris (talk) 12:51, June 11, 2012 (UTC)
