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Shah Wyrd is a unique rage demon encountered in Dragon Age: Origins.


Shah Wyrd appears during the side quest Watchguard of the Reaching.


Watchguard of the Reaching Watchguard of the Reaching


Apprentice Quarters Apprentice Quarters (Kinloch Hold)

Abilities & Skills[]

Aura of Fire Aura of Fire
Fireball Fireball
Fire Bolt Fire Bolt
Flame Blast Flame Blast
Inferno Inferno
Spell-FlameBlast icon Lava Burst
Slam Slam


This fight is rather easy as the other mages in the room will help in the fight, provided they did not get killed earlier. Even without them, Shah Wyrd fights like any other rage demon. Warmth balms and armor (or crystals, in Shale's case) with fire resistance can be used to lessen the damage from its attacks.

Like any other rage demon, Shah Wyrd is vulnerable to cold damage (taking about 50% greater damage) and immune to fire.

Notable loot[]

Yusaris Yusaris
Note: Loot the body of Shah Wyrd first, at which point the body will become a Pile of Rags and go on to drop Yusaris.

Codex entries[]

Codex entry: Watchguard of the Reaching Codex entry: Watchguard of the Reaching
Codex entry: Yusaris: The Dragonslayer Codex entry: Yusaris: The Dragonslayer

