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Ataashi which means "glorious one(s)" in Qunlat, is a colossal high dragon encountered in the Trespasser DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition.


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The Ataashi is captured by Viddasala and the Ben-Hassrath and confined within the Darvaarad. Viddasala uses the venom extracted from Ataashi to manufacture Gaatlok, the Qunari explosive powder, at a greatly increased rate to facilitate the Dragon's Breath conspiracy.

Eventually, the Inquisitor raids the Darvaarad and discovers Ataashi confined by the Qunari. The Inquisitor may kill the Ataashi to stop the Gaatlok supply or free the Ataashi, cutting off the supply and allowing the High Dragon to destroy many Qunari as it leaves.


Trespasser Trespasser


The Darvaarad The Darvaarad


Ataashi is a poison elemental high dragon with the following stats:

Level 25
Cold Vulnerability
359189 HP (Nightmare)
78 Armor
Immunity: All Disabling Effects
Immunity: Poisoned
Immunity: Slowed
Spirit Vulnerability

Codex entries[]

Codex entry: Written Instructions for New Workers Codex entry: Written Instructions for New Workers
Codex entry: Animal Handler's Logbook Codex entry: Animal Handler's Logbook

Note texts[]

Communique in the Deep Roads Communique in the Deep Roads

