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Dragon Age Wiki
For a list of all heraldry used in Thedas, see Heraldry.

Heraldry is an unmarked collection in Dragon Age: Inquisition. The heraldry selected by the Inquisitor will decorate Skyhold's main hall and be displayed on Skyholds's exterior walls.


The collection triggers upon the Inquisitor's arrival at Skyhold. Unlike most customization options, heraldry can be changed immediately upon arrival.



Inquistion Heraldry

All heraldry designs are immediately available upon arrival at Skyhold.

Collection Heraldry[]

Basic Heraldry Basic Heraldry
Ferelden Heraldry Ferelden Heraldry
Orlesian Heraldry Orlesian Heraldry (Orlais)
Chantry Heraldry Chantry Heraldry (Andrastian Chantry)
Dalish Heraldry Dalish Heraldry
Dwarven Heraldry Dwarven Heraldry
Free Marcher Heraldry Free Marcher Heraldry (Free Marches)
Inquisition Heraldry Inquisition Heraldry
Templar Heraldry Templar Heraldry
Tevinter Heraldry Tevinter Heraldry (Tevinter Imperium)
Grey Warden Heraldry Grey Warden Heraldry
Mage Circle Heraldry Mage Circle Heraldry (Circle of Magi)
Chasind Heraldry Chasind Heraldry
Qunari Heraldry Qunari Heraldry

Non-Collection Heraldry[]

The following three heraldry designs can be acquired with the addition of downloadable content:

Avvar Heraldry Avvar Heraldry - Jaws of Hakkon
Frostback Basin Heraldry Frostback Basin Heraldry - Spoils of the Avvar
Par Vollen Heraldry Par Vollen Heraldry - Spoils of the Qunari


