Dragon Age Wiki
Dragon Age Wiki

Enraged Corpses lack the spellcasting abilities of other corpse types. Instead, they will use the Berserk ability, signified by red highlighting. In addition, they will attack with various single-handed weapons, typically a mace, axe or dagger.


Corpses possessed by rage demons go berserk and simply wade into their opponents mindlessly.

BioWare canon
The following information is only mentioned in Dragon Age Tabletop. Certain portions of this media may no longer reflect currently established lore.

A rage demon that has newly crossed from the Fade has a bit more power and may succeed in animating a fresh corpse. They are clumsy but shrewd antagonists who are adept at appearing far less deadly than they actually are. The decomposition of an enraged corpse varies greatly in degree and appearance entirely depending on how their body died. Their rage is such that they prefer strangling their victims.[1]


Dragon Age: Origins[]

The Great Hall The Great Hall (Kinloch Hold)
A Nightmare A Nightmare (Fade)
Redcliffe Castle Redcliffe Castle

Dragon Age: Awakening[]

Blackmarsh Undying Blackmarsh Undying

Abilities & Skills[]

Templatetools This section is incomplete and requires expansion.

Notable loot[]

Corpse Gall Corpse Gall


Corpse archer
Devouring corpse
Putrid Devouring corpse[2]
Enraged corpse
Ravenous Enraged corpse[2]
Harvested corpse[3]
Mangled corpse[3]
Shambling corpse
Desiccated Shambling corpse[2]
Walking corpse

Codex entries[]

Codex entry: Corpse Codex entry: Corpse



  1. Dragon Age (tabletop RPG), Game Master's Guide, set 1, p. 33
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Encountered Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening in Blackmarsh Undying and randomly randomly on the Canyon Road.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Encountered in The Golems of Amgarrak.