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Defending the Land is side quest in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening. It is acquired while speaking to Lord Eddelbrek during the Oaths of Fealty quest.

There are too few soldiers to patrol the entire Arling and The Warden-Commander must decide how to use the soldiers of Amaranthine.


When you are ready speak to Varel and make your choice. You have 5 options.

  • "I leave this to Captain Garevel." (he will choose Amaranthine)
  • "The orders stand. The city must be protected."
  • "Amaranthine has its walls. Let the farms have our soldiers."
  • "Trade must flow. We need supplies to fight the darkspawn."
  • "Let's do our best to protect them all."
Bug icon Bug! If you do not complete this before ending the ceremony Oaths of Fealty then it will stay in your quest journal and you will be unable to complete it before The Assault on Amaranthine.


  • If you choose Captain Garevel he will assign soldiers to defend the city above all else.
  • If you choose to assign soldiers to defend the trade routes, then your merchants will have more goods to sell.
  • If you choose the soldiers to defend your farms the epilogue will mention that a great deal of damage to the farmlands was mitigated thanks to the soldiers.
  • Choosing the last option states you'll try to protect everything.
  • 1000 XP upon finalizing a decision.


  • Defending the trade routes results in the merchant Yuriah gaining new wares, but at the cost of darkspawn overwhelming the lands.