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“Our order will bow to no authority.”

Genevieve is the Commander of the Grey of Orlais in 9:10 Dragon.


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Dragon Age: The Calling.

Genevieve always dreamed of being a Grey Warden, but when a Warden finally came to recruit, he was far more interested in her brother Bregan instead. Bregan had no desire to become a Warden, but knowing that it was his sister's greatest wish, he agreed to be recruited on the condition that Genevieve be accepted as well.

Once the reality of being a Grey Warden set in, Genevieve came to understand the full depth of the sacrifice her brother had made, knowledge that somewhat soured her opinion of the order. Bregan eventually became the Commander of the Grey, a position he hadn't wanted but which made his sister jealous of him. In 9:10 Dragon, Bregan stepped down as Warden-Commander to go on his Calling. His last wish was that Genevieve succeed him, a move which she suspected the other Wardens had only agreed to because she would soon be going on her own Calling.

Shortly afterwards, Genevieve's betrothed and fellow Warden, Guy, was murdered by a Val Royeaux cut-purse named Duncan during a botched robbery. On the day that Duncan was to be executed for his crime, Genevieve used the Right of Conscription to recruit him into the Wardens.

Months later, Genevieve began to experience nightmares of Bregan still alive in the Deep Roads, captured by darkspawn. While her true motivations remain in question (afraid of letting her brother go or fear that his knowledge of the locations of the remaining Old Gods would precipitate a Blight), she convinced several members of the order in Orlais to mount an expedition to find him. Knowing that her brother had passed through Ortan Thaig, a lost thaig, she went to seek out the only known living people to have visited it, Teyrn Loghain Mac Tir and King Maric Theirin of Ferelden.


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Dragon Age: The Calling.

Genevieve decided to go to Denerim to ask Teyrn Loghain to guide the Grey Warden expedition to Ortan Thaig, knowing full well that his acceptance was unlikely given his past history with Orlesians. She was accompanied by several Wardens: her lieutenant Kell ap Morgan along with his warhound Hafter, the former Silent Sister Utha, the warriors Julien and Nicolas, the elven mage Fiona and Duncan.

When the group reached the Royal Palace in Denerim, they were introduced to King Maric and Teyrn Loghain by First Enchanter Remille. After they described the urgency of the situation, Genevieve asked Teyrn Loghain to guide them. Unsurprisingly, he refused to go. However, much to everyone's surprise, King Maric, seeking to escape his grief over the death of Queen Rowan and inspired by Flemeth's prophecy that a Blight would start in Ferelden, accepted to accompany the Grey Wardens himself. The Wardens then smuggled the king out of Denerim before Teyrn Loghain realized their intent. The other Wardens questioned her sanity in placing the King of Ferelden in such danger, though none but Duncan knew that she would go as far as order Maric's death if he were to learn too many of the Order's secrets.

After their journey through the Deep Roads, the Wardens eventually reached Ortan Thaig. Inside the palace, they encountered the possessed corpse of a dwarven ruler, who trapped the group in the Fade. Genevieve found herself in a dream of the life she would have lived had she married her fiancé and not become a Grey Warden. When Duncan tried to convince her to leave, she directed the full brunt of her grief and fury towards him for killing Guy. She revealed that she had forced Duncan to take the Joining in the hope that he would die, therefore getting a taste of what she and Guy had gone through to protect people like him, only to have the Maker play one more cruel joke on her and let him survive. Duncan was initially astounded by the vehemence of her hatred, until he reasoned that if Genevieve had truly wanted him dead, she could have just left him to be executed. Eventually, Genevieve was reluctantly persuaded to leave her dream by Duncan.

After being trapped in the Fade, Kell questioned the plan and argued that they should abandon their quest. At this point, Julien and Nicolas had already died and they realized that the taint had abnormally advanced on the bodies of all the Grey Wardens save for Duncan. Eventually, they grudgingly decided to continue. However, while they slept, Genevieve went off on her own to find Bregan. The group chose to follow her trail.

Genevieve found her brother, who had willingly joined the Architect and become a ghoul. By withholding the full scale of the Architect's plan, Bregan was able to convince his sister to help them with their plan. Meanwhile, the rest of her group was overrun by darkspawn and imprisoned in the Architect's headquarters in Kul-Baras. There, Genevieve tried to persuade them to join the Architect and help it to end the Blights forever. Utha was the only one to accept her offer. After Maric, Fiona and Duncan escaped the thaig, Genevieve accompanied the Architect and Bregan to Kinloch Hold, which was already occupied by Orlesian mages and templars. However, she had still not been informed of the Architect's entire plan. When Bregan revealed to her what they had to do in order for humanity to achieve peace with the darkspawn, Genevieve realized that she had made a mistake and drew her blade. Bregan, whose judgement was clouded by his taint, was angered to see his sister betraying them after all he'd sacrificed for her and drew his blade too, ready to attack her. However, the Architect intervened first and killed Genevieve with magic.

